Wednesday, October 8, 2014

During the Christmas season my stepfamily gets together and we do several hundred cookies, mostly of the cut out variety. At the end of the day we take the extra dough and frostings and everyone makes their own "special" cookie and then we have my stepgrandpa come out and decide which one is the winner without telling him which one is which persons.  This was my last winner cookie.
If you are wondering what made me do this cookie..... just don't ask. I can't remember but I think I honestly just threw stuff together and rolled with it.
Here is another diversion.  One that is not for the feint of heart.  Cards Against Humanity! One of my favorite games to play with groups of friends or even people you don't know! Just gather up some random people and play this game and everyone is sure to get a good laugh out of it.  This card pictured isn't particularly funny, but it is one of my favorite cards.
After taking on my first project ever with the dragon from Lucy Ravenscar I, as a very very new crocheter, decided to make my own dragon! I don't think he turned out terribly bad for not only my very first time trying freehand crochet, but also only my second ever crochet project. Unfortunately, I didn't think to write down my stitches as I did them, so there is no crochet pattern for this guy.  I doubt I could ever replicate this guy, but if I ever tried I bet he would turn out a lot better now since I know a lot more.
One of my favorite diversions lately happens to be crochet! I found a wonderful pattern for a dragon from Lucy Ravenscar that detailed it step by step very well.  This dragon was one of the very first things I ever made.
She also has a YouTube account that has videos where she shows you step by step what to do.  I found, as a new hooker, that she explained things well enough that even someone who didn't know what they even were doing half the time could figure it out and follow along.

The full pattern can be found here at Ravelry.  She also has pictures of her dragons here.

I unfortunately sold this guy and didn't have any other pictures but this one so it'll have to do even though it's an old picture and not well taken.

Brand Spanking New!

So I'm going to start off this blog by saying a little about myself.  My name is Jade and I recently turned 25. This is a picture that was taken while I was in Las Vegas this summer and just makes me smile when I look at it. I'm the one on the far right and that's a zombie on the far left, just in case you were wondering. I work two part-time jobs as well as attending school full-time.  I'm an Interactive Web Management major and also have an Associates degree in Accounting (boring, right?).